In honor of Post Pics of Your Pet Day, we rescued Nesta out of the van last night after being locked in there for three hours. Oops! I swear I'm a better mom to my kids than I am to my dog.
Aw, Nesta. We know those are just love bites. I don't care what everyone says about you -- I don't think you're the most terrifying creature on the planet.
I believe it was the most destructive creature on the planet, Kelly. And how could such an adorable creature be considered destructive? (She says as she hides her Nesta-scarred arms....)
Aw, Nesta. We know those are just love bites. I don't care what everyone says about you -- I don't think you're the most terrifying creature on the planet.
I believe it was the most destructive creature on the planet, Kelly. And how could such an adorable creature be considered destructive? (She says as she hides her Nesta-scarred arms....)
We heart you, Nesta.
Nesta, we miss playing with you at the dog park! You always did have a good way of wearing us out.
-Scout & Chloe
(P.S. I don't really miss having you chew on my ears. But now Bill & Laura's puppy does it. Sigh. -Chloe)
I love Nesta's ears! What a cutie! :)
Nice to meet you Nesta. You are really cute!
No matter how many times I see that little terror...I mean, cutie...I can't get over her ears. And I thought Tom had big ears!! Whoa!
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